What stories do you tell yourself?

If there’s one thing we are all brilliant at, it’s telling ourselves stories about why things are the way they are. 

Examples include: 

‘Our relationship would be a lot better if we didn’t have Financial issues’ or 

‘I can’t fit in any exercise or eat healthily because I work such long hours’ or 

‘My job would be great if my colleague left, it’s all his fault’ or 

‘If we had family nearby we would go out a lot more as a couple’ or ‘We would entertain more if our house was nicer & I was a better cook’ or

‘I’d be a more hands on Dad if I didn’t have to work so much’ 

‘I’d love to have a job but can’t because of school holidays’ etc. 

There are so many examples and we all do it. We tell ourselves a story or have a ready excuse that we’ve been telling ourselves for years. And all it is, is a made up story. And the impact is that it keeps us stuck and stops us taking responsibility for doing the work that needs to be done. Using the examples above:

– The relationship can be worked on regardless of the Finances

– Anyone can fit in 30 mins of exercise,

– You can change how you deal with the colleague, 

– You can have date night in or get a sitter, 

– True friends will want to come to see you regardless of the decor or your cooking skills, 

– You can still be a great Dad when you’re not working, 

– Plenty of people work with young kids, there are options etc etc. 

There is a far more life-enhancing story that you could be telling yourself instead. One that opens up possibilities and allows you to take back control. What stories are you stuck in and how could you start a new chapter in the book of life? Please like / share. Sue X

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