How to manage tricky emotions – Mindfulness & Gratitude

How to survive (and thrive) emotionally during Brexit part 2. 

Today we are looking at mindfulness and gratitude. 

Fact: If you are truly being in the present moment then it is impossible to be overwhelmed. 

Following on from yesterday I encourage you to start to be aware of whether your thoughts have actually happened. By definition if you are worrying about something it probably hasn’t happened yet …. and hence there’s a good chance it won’t actually happen at all. Our ‘monkey minds’ are literally brilliant at dreaming up terrible scenarios, especially at 3am. 

As you start to pay attention to your thoughts ask yourself: is this fact or fiction? If it’s fiction you can choose to let it go, or in line with yesterday’s post, make up a better story and dream into a positive future.

An easy way to become more present is simply to use your senses. Notice what you can See for a few minutes. Then what you can Hear, Feel, Taste and Smell. At any moment in the day you can bring yourself into the present moment by running through your senses. In doing so you give your brain a break and your emotions also. 

Related to this start to pay more attention to your immediate life rather than the big wide world. You are still breathing, eating lovely food, sleeping in a comfortable bed, seeing friends, hugging your kids / loved ones, drinking Gin etc. We can focus and be grateful for all that we have right now, here around us. Even the sunshine has decided to pay us a visit today ????

We might feel powerless to affect the wider World but we can always choose to enjoy our own life each day. Mindfulness and Gratitude are two proven ways to help people manage their emotions and feel happier – and both don’t cost a penny. Unlike Gin, but that has the same effect and is well worth it ????

I wish you all a mindful and enjoyable day, full of gratitude for all that you have right now and not worrying about a future that may never happen. Pls like / share and maybe we can help to lift the spirits of the nation. Sue X

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