Focus on the positives and you’ll enjoy more

Have you missed me? I’ve been on holiday, skiing in the Alps, and doing an experiment at the same time. I thought that rather than the usual generic Facebook posts of ‘Look at us, aren’t we the perfect family having the most wonderful time’ on my personal Facebook account, I’d focus more on the crappier aspects of going on holiday e.g. early starts, packing, falling over, getting stuck halfway up a steep drag lift etc. Anyway the results of the experiment were that firstly I found it REALLY hard to keep up the negativity all week and to focus my thinking on what hadn’t gone well when writing the posts – in fact I pretty much gave up after Thursday. Secondly I ended up with a bad cold .. maybe brought on by all that negativity?? Who knows but there are many proven links between our emotions and physical symptoms in the body so perhaps the bug took a greater hold than it might otherwise have done. Thirdly, feedback from some friends this morning was that they really didn’t like it – one took to skim reading, one stopped reading and one even hid my posts, which made me laugh when she told me! Apparently more balance would have been ok but the fact that it was pretty much all negative wasn’t welcome. What I find fascinating is that this is also the impact we have if we are always focusing on the negatives in life – inside our own minds and verbalising or posting it to those around us: it brings us down AND it drives other people away from us. Whereas when you focus on all the good stuff about life & your everyday experience you feel better in yourself and others are drawn to you. It’s not about covering up when crappy stuff happens, after all it’s good to share, but choosing where to focus your attention on a daily basis. What’s your mind focusing on today?

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