6th Tip of Christmas

Day 6 and I am quite enjoying the lyrical challenge. What on Earth rhymes with ‘6 geese a laying’?? Well today we have:

???? For the 6th tip of Christmas the Couples Coach gave to me … 6 adults playing ????. The more you can bring out your sense of fun & play to Christmas, the more enjoyable it will be for you and all around you. Chuckle at the overcooked turkey rather than get upset about it, wear the Christmas jumper, get down and play trains with the kids, find the humour in racist Uncle Burt & his 1930s views on life, find the gentle light humour in your differing views and perspectives on Brexit & everything else, be amused by your mother’s attempts to mother you even though you have kids of your own, chuckle at your Husband sneaking off to watch football etc. None of it really matters unless you choose to make it so. 

If you commit and set an intention that you will enjoy Christmas then, whatever the situation, you can choose joy, fun, play and happiness. When we consciously decide how we want to show up we get far more control over how any event goes and our experience of it. Pls like / share. Sue (Oh and if you’ve missed the other 5 tips so far you might like to turn on notifications for this page).