9th Tip of Christmas

For the 9th Tip of Christmas the Couples Coach have to me … 9 Relationships (or Families) Dancing. 

Great relationships are like a dance where sometimes one partner leads and sometimes the other does, with the partner being willing to follow the lead. Over the festivities it can help to be really clear about what each of you is best at or more suited to. E.g. Who is better at calming the over-excited kids? Who is more efficient at clearing up? Who is able to be more patient with Auntie Stroppy-Knickers? Have a think about the various roles and jobs and who is going to lead on each one. If you can agree some of it in advance it can help prevent feelings of either ‘I’m having to do everything’ or ‘I keep being nagged & bossed around’.

Wishing you graceful and seamless dancing together, Sue X

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