I’m a really positive person (I’m even wearing pink trousers today despite the rain!) & even I will admit that there is often crap stuff to deal with in our lives. It could be the nightmare boss, our kids having a rough time at school, phone down the toilet, a rotten cold, boiler broken, elderly parents needing care etc etc. Crap stuff just happens. And it’s why it is so important that our homes are a place of love and support. A place where we can vent about our day and not feel judged or criticised. A place where our kids can just be their silly selves and not get picked on. A place that feels welcoming when you return to it, not with a bad atmosphere. And a place where we can all have a hug. If your home doesn’t feel like that a couple or family chat can help to really listen and agree how you want to be together. We had one on Sunday and so far so good – everyone is being nicer!