The antidote to overwhelm is Resilience & I helped facilitate a coaches workshop on it last night. A key learning is that we can be far more resilient when we choose how we want to act or be with what’s going on, rather than simply react unconsiously. The Human ‘norm’ is to just react, often emotionally as our limbic system kicks in, and generally it’s just not that helpful – handy when being chased by a lion, not so handy when you get made redundant suddenly. Instead, stop and pause, and try to actually decide how you want to handle the situation (whether it’s a one off or ongoing). Which of your many qualities would be useful right now? What view do you want to take – perhaps a Worldview or a Long Term view? How would someone you really admire deal with it? By being conscious about how we will be, we can generally have a far calmer and far more resilient response. Pls Like / Share if you find it useful to spread the word & help others.