Be kind to unkind people – they need it the most

 My kids’ old school had a poster up that I always loved and I feel it’s a great reminder for all of us: 

“Be Kind to Unkind People. They need it the most”. 

When people are acting towards us in an angry, rude, impatient or mean way, the easiest thing to do is to react back at them. It’s a kind of natural reflex that we all tend to have, to defend ourselves or attack back. But it doesn’t actually help us or them. It leaves us feeling all those contagious, upsetting emotions too.

If instead we can follow the wise words on that poster and be extra kind we can often positively impact the other person or the situation, or who else they may encounter that day. If someone is acting badly then they have needs that aren’t being met. They may feel unloved. Or unheard. Or they are dealing with some really crappy situation in their life that we know nothing about. 

And it doesn’t matter if it’s a stranger on the street, a work colleague, our kids or a loved one – we still have a choice in how we react.

I’m going to turn up my kindness dial this week and see what impact it has. I’d love it if you all join me too & let me know how you get on. Pls share. Sue X