How to survive (and thrive) emotionally during Brexit part 2. Today we are looking at mindfulness and gratitude. Fact: If…
We appear to be in troubled times so I thought I’d offer some insights or thoughts from a coaching perspective,…
Shall we do politics this week, just for fun?! I offer you a different perspective on the big Brexit question…
You may have noticed a lack of planning in my topics or frequency of posting …. and you’d be right,…
Own up – who finds it hard to ask for help? Or maybe ok about some types of help but…
Making decisions. I often see in clients and friends how not being able to make a decision causes a huge…
Shall we talk about money today? Aargh, no, run for the hills, we can’t possibly talk about money! And therein…
You often hear that there are 2 types of people in this World. It turns out there actually are: those…
Normally my life trundles along fairly steadily but for several weeks it has been a rollercoaster of emotions. There is…
I have a new understanding of gratitude. A sense of not taking stuff or people for granted and really appreciating…