Dream in the New Year.

Call me weird but I really do think January might be one of my favourite months of the year. There are only 3 things I don’t like about it: having to do a tax return & sort out my accounts (although quite nice to reminisce about my clients), my hangover on the 1st (dreadful this year) and the fact that it’s a bit chilly / grey. Other than that though it’s basically all good. I always do a food/booze detox so I feel great and sleep amazingly well. It’s definitely a ‘getting things done’ month. And, most importantly, it’s a time for dreaming. So forget what did or didn’t happen in 2015 – that’s over and there is literally no point fretting about it. Take the learning and wave it goodbye. Instead how do you want 2016 to turn out? You do actually have a lot more influence on it than you may realise and especially if you actually decide what you want, get clear on it, write it down, share it and start to act on it. So I thought I’d share my dream for this Couples Coach page. The dream changes as I go along but right now it’s this: 

A page where I post a couple of times a week hints/tips/random thoughts that may help readers in all of their relationships (partner, family, kids, boss etc) and to be generally more fulfilled and happy in life. I’d love the followers to grow so that more people can benefit but without it requiring any admin or marketing effort on my part (cos that’s boring!) so please like/share away whenever you feel the urge. There won’t ever be any sales pitches. It’s my gift and in return I get a big grin and a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I hear that someone has tried something new, has enjoyed a post or is viewing a relationship differently. 

There you go, that’s one of my dreams. Now I encourage you all to get dreaming, write them down, tell someone (your partner, friend etc) & start acting on them. Pls Like/Share and let’s big up January – the month of dreams!