Apparently twice as many couples start divorce proceedings in January as any other month. And frankly I’m not blumen’ surprised. Any external pressures can show up cracks in a relationship and Christmas gives us the following: a massive to do list, huge expense, often forced to spend time with people we don’t get on with, too much alcohol, having to pretend it’s all ok when it isn’t to family / kids etc hence the strain of being false, eating loads of unhealthy food that impacts our energy/mood, often a bit of illness thrown in, a change in routine, crap weather so too much time inside, tired over-excited kids running on sugar overload etc etc. I could go on but might be accused of not being festive (I am typing this in my Xmas jumper mind!). And there’s also this societal expectation that it has to be sweetness and light, magical and a wonderful family time, just like in the movies or adverts. Well I want you to know that even if you are in a relationship, have a home, kids, money etc then it can still feel a bit, or a lot, crap. There may be tensions, arguments, disconnection and upset. And it doesn’t mean you need to divorce. It just means you’re Human, Christmas brings a lot of pressure, and you may need to give your relationship a bit more TLC. Hang on in there, pour another Gin & reach for the twiglets!!

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