Yesterday I read my favourite post on Facebook ever and it brought tears to my eyes. A lovely friend of mine & her husband met the 5 year old girl they are adopting for the first time. They have had the heartbreak of failed IVF & miscarriage and also the incredibly frustrating slog of the adoption process but it has all culminated in this. With permission this is her post: 

“We pull up outside the house to see a beautiful little blonde girl jumping up and down and waving through the window. We are greeted with: “These are for you mummy!” [flowers] before both being given a massive hug. We have been trampolining singing, dancing and done puzzles – and we’ve been invited to school early tomorrow “so that you can clap and take photographs when they give me star of the week!” We’re blown away – and in true parental style, off to bed at 9pm for the first time in possibly 25 years! This is magical”. 

Please share widely and show the joy that adoption can bring to parents and child alike.

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