How do you treat your partner?

Brrrrr chilly out there isn’t it? And yet lovely and warm inside with the heating on. Which is weirdly in contrast to what I often see in relationships. Often we can fall into a pattern of being friendly, kind, interesting, thoughtful, polite to friends, work colleagues or even complete strangers i.e. warm on the outside. But frosty, narky, abrupt and impolite to our partner i.e. cold inside the relationship. It’s like everyone else sees our best side and our partner gets the dross. What’s that all about? When you think about it, it is definitely back to front – the person you chose to be with, and supposedly care about the most, gets treated the worst?! And yet it’s so easy to fall into a pattern in long term relationships and once 1 partner stops making the effort, it’s natural for the other to respond also and the icy spiral descends. The good news is that if only 1 of you starts showing up in a more loving, kind and affectionate way in the home then sunshine can start to filter through the clouds, back into the relationship. It’s your choice. Pls like/share and let’s cosy up. Sue X

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