How do you prefer to approach making changes? Take detoxing (as it’s January). Some people (me!) like to go all out – totally vegan, whole foods, nothing very processed, oil-free, no Gin or Twiglets etc. Others just give up alcohol on a monday & walk to the next bus stop. The first might seem better but actually there is no right or wrong approach. It’s what’s right for you, what you can achieve and what feels sustainable for as long as you want it. However, when we look at improving our relationships, I believe that sometimes the step by step approach can be preferable. Otherwise it can feel overwhelming, we forget what it is we’re supposed to be working on and go back to our usual ingrained behaviour patterns. With that in mind I invite you to have a think about just one thing you could do today (yep today, not tomorrow!) to improve a relationship that matters to you. It might be booking a babysitter? Focusing on praising your son for what he did well rather than picking up his faults? Giving your partner a big hug? Acknowledging your ‘tricky’ boss or ‘difficult’ team member for something they do well? Phoning a friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while? Saying thank you for the things we take for granted? Setting the alarm earlier so that you’re not rushing and impatient with the kids in the morning? Have a think and see if there’s one concrete action that you can do today. Then go for it and just notice what the impact is. Tomorrow you can stick with it or choose a different action. Meanwhile I’m off for a Green Tea and a refreshing Tangerine … oh how times have changed!